Another daughter

I have no excuse for publishing this post so late, other than the fact that I’ve started new employment in November, and have a 10 month old daughter, that demands some attention every now and then. We’ve been busy, and when I’ve had the time to post, I’ve been lazy, but here it is now.

On the 11th of December at 08:40 my second daughter, Logan Lorraine, was born. From the time the nurse broke the water, it took exactly 2 hours for her to make her appearance. I wasn’t nearly as shell-shocked as with Abby’s birth, so I noticed a lot more this time around, and was a bit more involved in the experience (at least according to my wife).

Logan, dressed like an eskimo, in December
Logan, dressed like an eskimo, in December

Thing is, that feeling of total helplessness was still there, because you see the amount of pain your wife is enduring, but you can do nothing to ease it.  I’m extremely proud of my wife, with the pain still fresh in her memory, to opt for another natural birth, and not even begging for more drugs this time 🙂

First bath
First bath, Logan and Abby look identical in their first bath photos

It is an absolutely amazing feeling watching the birth of your child (an experience that I still can’t quite put into words, but will try to at some point) and I cannot imagine it happening any other way, c-sections are for sissies (and emergencies).

Perfect feet
Perfect feet
Perfect hands
Perfect hands
Proud parents
Proud parents
Even prouder siblings
Even prouder siblings
Not quite liking the outside world just yet
Not quite liking the outside world just yet
Loving brother
Loving brother

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