I can recommend a brilliant photographer

We do quite a few photo shoots as a family, and we’ve worked with a number of photographers in the past.  And almost every time we walked away with the thought “Won’t use that one again”.  This was never because of the quality of the photography, but more a clash of personalities and work ethics. Continue reading I can recommend a brilliant photographer

2010 – My goals

My idea for 2009 was to have no new year’s resolutions, just a keyword for the year, #create.  That didn’t work out too well, I can think of countless excuses, one being the birth of my daughter in Jan, which played havoc with the amount of free time I thought I may have.  But the reality is that without clear goals, you’ll never accomplish much.  So for 2010 I ‘ve decided to set clear goals, and make them public, so that I don’t have any excuses to back down on any of them. Continue reading 2010 – My goals

Misunderstood keyword

At the beginning of the year, instead of deciding on a stack of new-year’s resolutions, I decided on one keyword for the year. #create. Whether it be more blog posts, some awesome photos, usable applications in the public domain, website that people would actually want to visit/use. That was my motto for the year, to create more and consume less.

But I have to admit, it looks like I misinterpreted my keyword. I went for #procreate instead. Continue reading Misunderstood keyword