Hoe om n babelaas beter te maak

Om hangovers tefight is actually heelwat makliker as wat mens sou dink. Daar's gewoonlikeen goue reël wat feitlik altyd effektief is.

Moenie drink nie.

Die probleme ontstaan as mens die rëel 'n fokken vetignore kap.
Dus, as jy per abuis reël een oortree, verwys dadelik na reël twee.

Moenie te veel drink nie.

Een word twee, al die ure word happy, lelik word mooi,en twee word een (partykeer sommer op die agterseat).
Steeds is als nie verlore nie.
In tye van transgressie, verwys spoedig na reel drie.

Moenie jou drankies meng nie.

Check alle drankies gaan eventually na dieselfde plektoe, maar net soos in 'n bar meen dit nie altyd almal smaak mekaar nie.

Inteendeel, jy sal vind dis presies hierdie tipemengelmoes wat gaan maak dat jy suffer

Sit neer daai shooter, cowboy.

Teen die tyd dat jy reel drie oortree het is jy klaargefok. Sonder om eers jou broek af te trek.
Dan ewe skielik is dit twee-uur, jy vreet 'n Garage pie oppad huis toe,
en worry oor die moontlikheid van 'n evil hangovertjie wat dalk onder joubed vir jou wag.

Slaap soveel as wat jy kan .

Fokken wil mos.
Lekker rëels breek.
Lekker breker.
Wie's nou smart?
Ouens wat hier uitkom het obviously nie gefokken luister nie en sit nou metdie full-blown, fokken hangover.
Nou moet jy maar slaap pel, en baie ook.
Nog bietjie. Daa'sy.
Trek hom bersie oor hom koppie.

Suip baie water.

Party Moegoes reken sommer die aand wat jy van die jol afkom.
Maar dis bietjie moeilik as jy ingedra word en wakker word met Kots opjou hemp.
Kry vir jou 'n lekker laaang beker water en drink daarvan soveel en sovinnig as wat jy kan.
Kom, jy't mos gewys jy kanbaie drink.
Jy's mos die fokken mek van die plek.
Sluk! Sommer vier Grandpa's ôk.

Eet iets.

Op die stadium is jou lyf hoogs die bliksem in vir jou.
Jy het nie mooi gemaak met jou lyf nie.
Uh-uh. Nou moet daar fokken mooi broodjies gebak word, en een ding wat joulyf verstaan is eetbare bederfies.
As jy rerig wil fokken brownie punte score, skiet vir iets gesonds – even'n slaaitjie. As jou lyf kon het hy/sy jou op die rug geklop.

Party ouens reken mens moet 'n rou eier eet. Al waarvoordit werk is om jou te laat verder kots, en as jy gelukkig is nog salmonella ookte kry. Fokken smart Parra!, nou't jy salmonella en 'nhang-over.

Dom Doos.

Vat 'n shower of 'n bad.

Nou hierdie rëel help beide vir jou asook die mensegeaffekteer deur jou second-hand hangover ..
D.w.s. die arme swape wat jou asem en stink holtes ruik na die aand uit.
Voel bietjie daai wol oor jou tanne?
Hoe dink jy ruik dit vir ander?
Hou op 'n aap wees en vat 'n stort.

Trek iets gemaklik aan.

Official hangover wear is pejaamies of sommer 'n ousweetpak met Stou-kies en 'n T-shirt.
Jy wil nie deal met goed wat jou skaaf of knoppe platdruk nie.
Sag en lelik is die wagwoorde hier.

Vat dit rustig.

Drop die blinds, kry 'n bottel Coke, bietjie Nando's enloop rent 'n DVD of twee .
Skuif nou voor die TV in met die remote en relax.

Dit gaan 'n fokken laaaang dag wees.


Installing Ubuntu on an eMac

Sometime last year I bought a second hand eMac for R500, thinking it was about time that I started learning non-Microsoft products.  The machine was great and for the first few months everything ran great and I learnt quite a bit about Mac OS X 9.x.  The same person then gave me an iMac that was taking up needed space in his garage.  I got the iMac home, tried to switch it on, but it was dead, and clearly not serviceable by mere mortals.  So that got tossed, but I kept the software that came with it seeing the eMac had nothing.

I noticed that the iMac's software package included an upgrade disc for OS X 10.1 (Jaguar I think), and the tinkerer in me woke up immediately.  I had to give this a try, see what changed.  I booted with the disc, went through the process and made my first mistake on step 1.  Where you choose the partition on which to install, you also have the option to clear it out.  Guess what, that was the first thing I did, happily continued with my installation, only to be told, sorry for you, there's no prior version of OS X on this drive, cannot install.

No problem I thought, just boot up with the iMac's install disk for version 9.2, install that and then do the upgrade.  Only the iMac's disk would not boot on the eMac.  No I had a nice big white doorstop on my hands. 

Plan B was to get a copy of Tiger and install that, but the importer & distributors of Apple products in SA had another plan for me.  Since there is supposed to be an upgrade released in October, they thought it would be wise to stop importing and stocking any copies at the end of 2006.  So every shop I went to had the family pack in stock, but no single licenses.  I only have one machine capable of running OS X, so why the hell would I pay double the price for 3 licenses.  Still had a big white doorstop on my hands.

Fast forward a few months, I take delivery of a set of Ubuntu disks, some non-microsoft technology I can learn on a machine that is serviceable by mortals.  But lo and behold, included in the package there's an Ubuntu disk "For your Mac".  Had to try this.  So I fired up my big white doorstop, had to eject the CD drive with a paperclip because the eject button on the keyboard did not work witouh any OS installed, and booted up with the CD.  Now the install I did on a VPC worked fine first time, and looked to be working fine on the Mac.  Until it started loading X to get to the installation icons.   X did not like the eMac and failed with a particularly ugly error message, I can't quite remember the wording.

Time for some serious googling.

I found a few articles on installing Ubuntu on the eMac, but none of the advice worked, until I downloaded the alternative ISO mentioned in this article.

Ripped it to cd, booted the doorstop, and have never seen an easier installation.  After selecting a few basic options like language and machine name, the install did the rest, and I now have a working eMac again, although not with the intended OS.


Me and Leigh-Ann got married on the 31st of August.  In case you are wondering why so soon after the engagement…read on.

I decided to ask her on our holiday overseas, but when we realised that we'll need to arrange our wedding around the availibilty of family members, who we definitely wanted at the wedding, we started arranging the wedding, but I was not willing to change my plans for the proposal, so things seemed a bit ass about face, but worked out perfectly.

The venue we used was absolutely stunning, Oakfield Farm in Muldersdrift, and the service they gave us was awesome to say the least.  I can recommend them.

I let Leigh do most of the arrangements, and must say that it was the right decision.  Everything was planned to the T and worked out perfect.  Thanks Love.

We went to Plett for a few days for our honeymoon.  I was reminded just how beautiful it is on that part of the country, I haven't been down there for about 6 years.  I'll move to Nature's Valley in a blink if I had the opportunity.  Photos to follow soon.

Rugby World Cup Rules for Women


 1. >From 7 Sep to 20 October 2007, you should read the sports section of
 the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the
 World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in the conversations.
 If you fail to do this, then you will be looked at in a bad way, or you
 will be totally ignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any
 2. During the World Cup, the television is mine, the VCR and DVD are all
 mine, at all times, without any exceptions. If you even take a glimpse
 of the remote control, you will lose it (your eye).

 3. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don't
 mind, as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without distracting
 me. If you decide to stand nude in front of the TV, make sure you put
 clothes on right after because if you catch something in the eye or a 
 I won't have time to take you to the doctor or look after you during the 
World Cup month.

 4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I require a
 refill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of your mind if you
 expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick
 up the baby that just fell from the second floor….it won't happen.

 5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least 2 six packs in the
 fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on, and
 please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to
 watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between
 12pm and 3pm, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the

 6. Please, please, please!! If you see me upset because one of my teams
 is losing, DO NOT say 'get over it, it's only a game', or 'don't worry,
 they'll win next time'. If you say these things, you will only make me
 angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know
 more about rugby than me and your so called 'words of encouragement'
 will only lead to a break up or divorce.

 7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to
 me during halftime but only when the commercials are on, and only if the
 halftime score is pleasing me. In addition, please note I am saying
 'one' game, hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to
 'spend time together'.

 8. The replays of the tries are very important. I don't care if I have
 seen them or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again. Many times,
 and record them.

 9. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child related
 parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because:
 a) I will not go,
 b) I will not go, and
 c) I will not go.

 10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch 
 game, we will be there in a flash.

 11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just as
 important as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying 'but
 you have already seen this…why don't you change the channel to
 something we can all watch??', the reply will be: 'Refer to Rule #2 of
 this list'.

 12. Please save your expressions such as 'Thank goodness the World Cup
 is only every 4 years'. I am immune to these words, because after this
 comes the reruns of the Rugby World Cup, the TWENTY TWENTY WORLD CUP etc etc.

 13. And finally, if you are female and your "man" likes rugby less than
 you, he is not a real man and shall be bound by these rules and
 additionally be referred to as "the bitch" for the duration of the World 
 Thank you for your cooperation.


 Men of the world

Waste of our tax money

The fired deputy minister of health has been asked to repay the money spent on her unauthorised trip to Spain.  So far the only figure I heard was for the money spent on flights, R312,000.  No, not Zim Dollar, South African Rand!

Now, I can iunderstand a government minister flying first class, but why should her son and advisor fly first class as well.  Actually, I changed my mind, I don't see any reason for anyone to fly first class with my tax money.  How many people could you have built houses for with that fare?  At least 10 families with the price of a low cost house.

I just tried to book tickets to Spain for 3 adults on SAA's website, at a cost of R147,000 for 3 people in Business Class, apparently First class is not available on the route.  Now assuming that our government uses it's own carrier at specially arranged prices, why was the deputy minister's fare more than double this amount?

Some food for thought… 



I just tried to book first class tickets on BA for the same route, and there I could get it for just under R60K for 3 adults, why would SAA be double the price for cheaper the seats as well?